Wednesday, February 16, 2011

White House message

One day Barack Obama woke up, looked out the window, and saw pissed into the snow, "Fuck You Obama." Obama was really ticked that something like that happened. He called the head of the Secret Service to his bedroom and yelled at him. "How the fuck did that happen? You better find who did it - NOW."

The Secret Service immediately flooded the White House lawn with agents taking samples and looking for clues. Then they ran over to the FBI headquarters to run the tests. Finally the head of the Secret Service came back with a report.

"I have good news and bad news, sir. The good news is, we know whose urine it is. It's Bill Clinton's."

Obama nearly dropped his cigarette. Shaking, he yelled, "How the hell is that good news? The former President just snuck in here without you seeing and pissed 'Fuck You' on my lawn? What could possibly be the bad news?"

The agent paused for a second and then said, "The handwriting is Michelle's."

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