Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Girl may have world record for most fingers and toes

Girl With 12 Fingers, 14 Toes Reaches For Record
From almost the moment Le Yati Min was born, her mother knew the girl had a little something extra.

"I asked the nurses whether my kid was born complete with hands and legs," says her mother. "They replied that the baby even has more than she needs."

Born with 12 fingers and 14 toes, Le may be the most "digitally enhanced" person in the world. Now, the 16-month-old girl's family in impoverished Myanmar is seeking a Guinness World Record to prove it.

A neighbor is helping her mother apply to claim the record hearing that a boy from India currently hold bragging rights for the most digits, with 12 fingers and 13 toes.
No wonder Asians are so good at math.

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