Monday, February 14, 2011

I'll take mine with a light dressing

Terrible news in Cleveland:
A mother and daughter face animal cruelty charges stemming from their alleged abuse of more than 100 dogs rescued from a stench-filled home that the two women ran as an illicit breeding facility, authorities said on Sunday.

Alerted by complaints of foul odors and ceaseless barking, sheriff's deputies and humane officers on Friday raided the Cleveland-area house to find 108 dogs alive but malnourished wallowing in knee-deep muck inside.
Good thing the shithouse is far away from MMSD.
Moore said there were no water bowls or dog food in the house, and that the animals survived on a diet of raw kale and uncooked rice fed to them by the women.
What are they complaining about? It looks like the school lunch menu after Michelle Obama gets a hold of it.

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